EV Charging Station Submeter Billing

EV Charging Submeter Billing Fact Sheet
Find information about SDG&E's submeter billing option. Available for measuring and billing the energy consumption associated with EV charging stations.
EV Charging Approved Product List (APL)
Under the EV submeter billing option only approved products may be used. To standardize and streamline this process for vendors SDG&E is utilizing Southern California Edison’s (SCE) APL. The APL identifies EV charging stations that meet various functional, technical and safety requirements. All program participants are required to choose from this list of approved metering equipment that’s eligible for installation.
Submeter Data Management Agent List
Only SDG&E or approved Meter Data Management Agents (MDMA) can provide submeter data services to participating customers. This list will continue to expand as new MDMAs choose to enroll to provide submeter data services to the EV submeter billing option. Coming soon.