Displaying 31 - 40 of 1706 Search Results
Emergency Preparedness Form, Emergency Preparedness Form, Organization Information Name Address Address City/Town State/Province - None - Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas Armed Forces (Canada, Europe, Africa, or Middle East Armed Forces Americas Armed Forces Pacific California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Federate States of Micronesia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Northern Mariana Islands Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming ZIP/Postal Code Contact Information Contact Name 1 Preferred Method of 24-hr Contact Email Text Voice Email Address Text Number Voice Number Contact Name 2 Preferred Method of 24-hr Contact Email Text…
Optar por los planes de precios fuera del tiempo de uso, Exclusion voluntaria de los planes segun el Horario de Uso, Lo prometido es deuda. Puede optar por no participar en los nuevos planes tarifarios según el Horario de Uso. Aunque el Horario de Uso le permite cambiar su consumo de energía a períodos de menor costo cuando hay mucha más energía limpia, puede decidir no aprovechar el plan. Pero, ¿sabía que puede probarlo durante un año sin riesgo? Si paga más de lo que pagaría en su plan anterior (Estándar), le acreditamos la diferencia. Es así de sencillo. Si aún no está convencido de que un plan según el Horario de Uso es el adecuado para usted, haga clic aquí para ver otras opciones de planes disponibles para usted. ¡Usted decide!
2020-2022 Local Resource Adequacy Solicitation, 2020-2022 Local Resource Adequacy Solicitation, Latest News & Update, 4/5/2019 - RFP Re-Launched San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) seeks to purchase Local Resource Adequacy (“RA”) capacity products with load serving entities, marketers and generators (“Respondents”) to assist in optimizing its RA portfolio. It is the intention of this solicitation to minimize the procurement cost impact for ratepayers while also meeting SDG&E’s Resource Adequacy Requirement (“RAR”). This website provides an overview of the market solicitation. Respondents are strongly encouraged to download the , RFP Description document, , available below, to fully understand all aspects of this RFP. 366.87 KB PDF Local RA RFP Protocols Local RA RFP Protocols, Products Solicited, Respondents may submit proposals for any or all of the below RA-related Products. , Product ID, Product, 1, Local SD-IV– without Flex; with Flex Category 1, 2, or 3, SDG&E Buys Local SD-IV RA (Calendar, Quarterly, Monthly, Daily), Solicitation Submittal Documents, Participation in this RFP requires the completion of the Proposal Form & the Confirmation Template. These documents are available via the links below. Failure to provide the listed information may result in the Proposal being deemed non-conforming and thus may disqualify the Proposal from further consideration. Multiple Proposals are acceptable. 126.27 KB XLSX Proposal form Proposal form 236.50 KB DOC Confirmation template Confirmation template 137.02 KB PDF Credit application Credit application Although not required as part of the original Proposal, any Respondent selected for the shortlist must promptly submit this Credit Application with the required supporting information. You are advised to become familiar with this application and be prepared to timely submit it so as to not slow down your Proposal’s evaluation., RFP Schedule, The following are the key deadlines that apply to this RFP. SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and at SDG&E's sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for accessing the RFP website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFP or the solicitation process., No, Event, Date, 1 Re Launch RFP Fri-Apr-5 2 Offer package due no later than , 12 pm PPT, on this date Fri-Apr-12 3 SDG&E Notifies Offerors of selection Wed-Apr-24 4 Shortlisted bidders notify IOUs of acceptance/rejection Wed-May-01 5 All contracts are executed Fri-May-31, RFP Communication, All questions or other communications regarding this Resource Adequacy RFP must be submitted via email to , BOTH, [email protected] with a CC to [email protected] (Independent Evaluator). Questions and their answers will be posted on this website anonymously soon after receipt., RFP Announcements, Respondents are encouraged to check the RFP Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings. SDG&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFP amendments to this website. In particular, check the RFP website for (i) updates to RFP documents and (ii) posting of answers to submitted questions. , Submitting Proposals, Proposals must be submitted via PowerAdvocate in accordance with the instructions contained in the RFP Protocols., Please note that no late bids will be accepted., Tags rfo 2021 Local Resource Adequacy Solicitation resource adequacy rfo RFPs RFOs RFPs and RFOs